
About Highland Area Community Foundation

Our mission

To be a builder of permanent charitable assets to use on behalf of the Highland area community.

To act as good stewards for those funds.

To serve as a resource in meeting the changing needs of the Highland area community by taking the initiative in important charitable matters and otherwise providing philanthropic leadership for the betterment of the Highland area community.

Enriching Our Community

149 +
Funds at the foundation
988 +
Grants bestowed since 1995
$53,625 +
Endowed in 2023

What We Do

Take a few minutes to watch this brief informative video to get an idea of what the Highland Area Community Foundation does for Our Community!

HACF Grant Stories- The L.U.N.C.H Bunch

Click on the video to your left to learn about the L.U.N.C.H Bunch grant story and how we're making a difference in the Highland Community. At Highland Area Community Foundation, we take pride in building permanent charitable assets for the betterment of our community. Click now to watch!


Board of Directors - June 2024 through May 2025

Term Ends 2025

• Ryan Goodwin

• Jeff Hebrank

• Gail Holthaus

• Mark Korte 

• Bob Luitjohan

• Linda Manley

• Rick Ringwald

Term Ends 2026

  • Kevin DeWaele
  • Bonnie Gelly
  • Jay Korte
  • Julie Korte
  • Lisa Michael

Term Ends 2027

• Ben Eberwein

• Jim Gutzler

• Linda Held

• Joe Horstmann

• Jennifer Ostrander


  • President - Bonnie Gelly
  • 1st Vice-President - Bob Luitjohan
  • 2nd Vice-President - Linda Manley
  • Secretary - Lisa Michael
  • Treasurer - Mark Korte


  • Executive Director - Kevin Hemann
  • Office Staff – Paula Redman
  • Office Staff – Kathy Klostermann
  • Director Emeritus – Floyd Rogier (1999-2013 dec'd)
  • Director Emeritus – Don Johannes (2021-present)

HACF Annual

Grant Banquet

At the 2021 Grants Banquet, the Highland Area Community Foundation presented several awards including to Scheffel Boyle, CPA and Don Johannes, Attorney at Law for 25 years of service to the HACF and Don Johannes was presented with a prestigious Director Emeritus award for serving the Highland Community and the Foundation with unprecedented dedication and service.

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